Student of the week awards
Presented weekly at Assemblies by Class Teachers in conjunction with Principal.
Certificates to recognise special efforts in areas such as:
Academic effort, Road Safety, Citizenship, Progress, Personal effort, Sportsmanship, etc...
Teacher developed schemes
Awards schemes implemented by individual teachers will vary based on the child’s developmental level, teacher/student preferences and the purpose for which the award is made.
Options May Include:
a) Verbal reward (praise)
b) Stamps, stars, stickers.
c) Positive reinforcement (written)
d) Individual/group conferencing
e) Reward of special “opportunity”, “enrichment activity”, “leadership role”.
f) A range of certificates to acknowledge accomplishments.
g) Sharing “work” with others (Different classes, adults, etc.)
h) Letters to parents
i) Peer appraisal
j) Self-assessment
k) Special Principal awards and stickers.
* A record of all awards and recipients will be maintained throughout the year.
Class Dojo
Points are awarded to students and messages sent home when they are identified as exceeding school expectations. Each classroom also has a set of rewards that can be earned with dojo points and are dependent on individual teachers and student interests.
Awards Night
At the end of each year we celebrate student success with an Awards Evening. Students from each year level are chosen based on merit to receive awards for:
- Academics
- Citizenship/Friendship
- Most Improved
- Sporting Achievements
- Music
- Environmental
- Japanese