Parent Request for Refund (PDF, 329KB)
Medical conditions
In this section you can access important medical information and download medical forms.
Request to administer medication at school - Emergency (PDF, 339KB)
Request to administer medication at school - Short term (PDF, 438KB)
Time out of school for medical conditions poster (PDF, 703KB)
Asthma support and management policy (PDF, 607KB)
Asthma and allergy fast facts (PDF, 382KB)
Action plan for allergic reactions (PDF, 239KB)
Anaphylaxis fast facts (PDF, 330KB)
Action plan for anaphylaxis for use with personal epiPen (PDF, 301KB)
Every parent of a child of compulsory school age or young person in the compulsory participation phase has a legal obligation to ensure their child is enrolled at and attending school or participating in an eligible option.
Parents can apply for an exemption from this obligation when their child cannot (or it would be unreasonable in all the circumstances) attend school or participate in an eligible option for a period of more than 10 consecutive school days.
Exemptions from schooling and compulsory participation (PDF, 78KB)