


The Music Curriculum

To perform solo or be part of a band, orchestra or ensemble is exciting, but it requires persistence and lots of practise. While studying music, students learn the value of sustained effort to achieve success and the real rewards of hard work.

Music is an academic subject with its own special body of knowledge, skills and unique ways of knowing and thinking.  The music program at Port Douglas State School is designed to cultivate a love and appreciation for music while building upon children’s musical knowledge through a structured, well defined and logical sequence.  Musical concepts are learned through singing, composing, moving, listening and playing percussion instruments within a supportive learning environment. 

Throughout your child’s musical journey, they will learn to read notes on the staff to perform songs on the recorder, compose pieces for chime bars using tonic solfa, identify musical elements from a variety of musical suites, play as part of a ‘Jellybeans’ percussion ensemble and experience a drum circle. 

Port Douglas State School aims to deliver a high quality music education which enables a lifelong participation in, and enjoyment of music, one of life’s simplest pleasures. 

Instrumental Music

Lessons are conducted during school time and are generally half an hour long.  These lessons are taught in groups of 3-6 students.  Students must see their instructor if they cannot attend a lesson.

Ensembles (i.e. Concert Band) are part of the instrumental program.  As soon as the instructor feels your child is ready they will become a member of an ensemble.  This is usually not before six months of tuition.

Progress on any instrument is dependent on regular practice.  Practice should be regarded as homework and is often best done along with student’s other set homework.  Students are expected to practice 20-30 minutes at least 5 times a week.

Your child’s success will depend on support at home and the encouragement you can give.

The school owned instruments are there to provide an inexpensive way to find out if your child is going to enjoy playing a particular instrument.  Priority is given to beginner students.  Loan periods are usually one year but this is often extended for the more expensive instruments.

Acceptance into the program is on the basis of a minimum of one year and may continue through to the end of high school.  The student may withdraw from the program by request in writing by the parent or guardian.  Tuition may also be discontinued by the principal in consultation with the instructor if:

  1. The student is chronically absent from lessons or ensemble rehearsals.
  2. The student is not able to take part in ensemble practice.
  3. The student makes little effort to practice or work at the instrument.
  4. The student is unsuited to the instrument or shows little aptitude.  This may be a case of change of instrument being recommended.
  5. A system of three warnings is in place to notify students of any problems.

Mouthpieces and reeds should never be shared by different students.  This assists in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Please complete Expression of Interest:  Instrumental Music (PDF, 148KB)​ and return to office.

Instrumental Music Fees

Fees comprise of two parts, the first of which is an amount everyone contributes for the purchase of schools instruments, music and accessories.  This enables the school to keep updating equipment and music scores.  The second is only asked of people using school owned instruments.  These funds go towards maintenance and servicing the instrument when your child’s loan period is complete. If all fees are not received before the second semester the student will no longer be able to continue the program. Arrangements need to be made with the school office if the deadline cannot be met.

Parents are invited to contact the instructor to discuss questions, concerns, progress and other issues relating to your child’s participation in the program by arranging an interview through the school office.

Last reviewed 07 February 2025
Last updated 07 February 2025